Nadler & Associates
Consulting Overview
Nadler & Associates can help your business with:
Dave Nadler founded Nadler & Associates in 1985,
and grew this consultancy for 18 years.
During the first 18 years N&A created numerous products
and assisted many companies with technology challenges,
in diverse industries and from embedded to large distributed systems.
In 2003, Dave and the Nadler & Associates staff joined Interactive
Data Corporation,
a leading provider of international financial market data.
Dave joined as VP of Global Development
and led a team of ~250 software development, systems, and networking
professionals in Boston, NYC, and London.
Dave left Interactive Data Corporation after more than 5 years leading this team,
and resumed the Nadler & Associates consultancy in 2009.
Past Projects
Example Nadler & Associates work:
Embedded Systems.
Overall product and user interface design down to hardware design.
Examples include
the ballast dump system for new Antares and Quintus racers,
a USB-host adapter for an avionics product,
remote service-access for a GSM-phone-equipped Embedded System,
the ILEC SN10 integrated avionics system for racing gliders,
and numerous microcontroller projects for control and measurement products.
Taught Embedded Systems Conference course on improving software development
through integrated testing,
at the April-2013 Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose.
Click here for
Conference Proceedings Paper.
- Taught Embedded Systems Conference course
How Not to Do Embedded Development - Lessons Learned
at the Boston conference 2015 and 2017.
Brought the FLARM® aircraft traffic information and collision warning system to USA.
Major contributor to FLARM® v5 and the new PowerFLARM® product,
and to the successful launch of PowerFLARM®.
Due Diligence.
Assessment of technology and organization for private equity firms.
Trouble-shooting. For senior management of a Fortune 500 firm,
reorganized and completed troubled projects.
Management Consulting. Technology project and business feasibility,
management, planning, and execution.
For Venture Capital and Private Equity firms,
business evaluation and recommendations.
Financial Market Data Systems for mutual fund NAV calculation.
Snapshot acquisition from real-time feeds,
price validation/correction work-flow,
real-time feed adapters,
and price distribution infrastructure for portfolio pricing.
Results: improved timeliness and accuracy of portfolio
Computer Telephony. Products included audio-text/IVR frameworks and
applications, custom switch programming.
For telephony hardware manufacturers, assisted with
product design, low-level software, and API development.
Other products delivered included
a front-end application for a software performance tuning product,
a GUI designer for an EIS (Executive Information System) product,
a GUI to automatically construct SQL queries for a DSS product,
and components for an automated toll-collection system (E-ZPass forerunner).
Copyright © 2009-2017 - Dave Nadler - All Rights Reserved
Contact Dave Nadler:
USA East Coast voice (978) 263-0097
Skype Dave.Nadler1
Nadler & Associates Home Page